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Our Inspiration

Tony Buoi Sang Foundation

With the desire to stand side by side with the children on every step of the way, through every difficult challenge in life, to give them wings to fly and to light up the fire that warms the hearts of those who are less fortunate.


The total number of children sponsored


The number of provinces/cities with sponsored children


Children who have graduated from sponsorship


(billion VND) The total funds allocated to sponsorship activities

Foundation facts

Update date:

8 tháng 9, 2024

Our Supporters


Appeal for Donations

We hope to receive the companionship of our esteemed readers from all over the country, by introducing us to orphaned children (who have lost either one or both parents) in difficult circumstances.

Let's work together to create positive values for the community, making our society more humane and compassionate, promoting the benevolent and generous tradition of a nation that "Do as you would be done by."

Number of provinces/cities with orphans currently being sponsored by us:

October 2020 – October 2021: 14 provinces

October 2021 – October 2022: 28 provinces

October 2022 – October 2023: 34 provinces

Fund members

Starting with 20 members from the Tony Buoi Sang production team, the Fund's members are scattered across provinces and cities throughout Vietnam. Now, after three years, the number of members of the Fund has nearly doubled.

The Fund's team is still striving every day to be able to sponsor more children and bring more joy to them!

  • We would be honored to have you visit the Fund's office to listen to the stories and understand the journey that the Fund is making for the children.
    Address: 42 Tran Luu Street, An Phu Ward, Thu Duc City (District 2), Ho Chi Minh City.

  • Account Number: 2010

    Account Holder: QUY TONY BUOI SANG
    Bank: MB Bank - Tan Huong Branch - Ho Chi Minh City
    Swift Code: MSCBVNVX

  • The application review process consists of 5 rounds:

    ✅ Round 1 - Information Collection

    ✅ Round 2 - Scoring and Categorization of Applications

    ✅ Round 3 - Ranking and Selection of Applications for Interviews/Direct Surveys

    ✅ Round 4 - The Board of Directors (BOD) Meets to Finalize the List of Orphans to be Sponsored for Each Quarter

    ✅ Round 5 - Submission of the List of Orphan Sponsorship to the Fund's Executive Board for Approval

Frequently Asked Questions


We are deeply grateful for your ongoing partnership. With your continued support, we can create a brighter future for orphaned children.


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Latest updates on the Fund's activities

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